If not stated otherwise, Package prices include:

All prices are presented in EUR.

If not stated otherwise, Package prices exclude:

These Rates can be provided on request.

Provided rates may not apply to periods that include holidays such as Christmas, New Year?s Eve or Easter. Please contact us for information on the supplements, which may apply to your specific request.


A non-refundable deposit of 30% of the total price is payable within 72 hours of the confirmation of Reservation. The balance owed must be paid 4 weeks prior to departure.

InGolf® reserves the right to cancel any reservations for which the total price has not been paid by the due date.In such cases, any deposit is forfeited.

InGolf® guarantees the price of ground arrangements once full payment has been received.


In the event of a client cancelling their reservation for any reason, such cancellation must be made in writing and in such instances, cancellation charges will be levied in accordance with the maximum imposable charges.

Cancellation within 4 weeks incurs the following penalties:

These cancellation and curtailment stipulations are in line with the World Tourism and Travel standards.

When Booking, we strongly advise customers to take out insurance against cancellation, curtailment, illness, loss of baggage and default.

InGolf® reserves the right to cancel, alter and amend any Tour itinerary, should it be necessary. We will endeavour to ensure suitable alternatives for golf courses, attractions and accommodation etc., where applicable.

InGolf® and its staff and agents shall not be responsible for and shall be exempt from all liability in respect of any loss, damage, injury, accident, delay, or inconvenience to any person, their luggage, or other personal property, wherever the same shall occur and whether the same shall arise.

InGolf® acts as an Agent only in producing and operating the tours and arrangements organized and on condition that it shall not be liable for any loss, damage, injury, accident, delay and any other irregularity that may be occasioned by any defect in any vehicle, or other form of conveyance, or by error or default of any company or person engaged in conveying client, carrying out the arrangement of the tour or otherwise in connection therewith.

All prices and details listed on this website are subject to confirmation during reservation. InGolf® reserves the right to correct Package details and prices relating to any possible typographical and/or computer errors which may occur.