All personal data collected from this website´s contact forms, e-mail information and phone contacts, will be strictly processed by InGolf® Tour Operator´s software system, which is Cheer Up Travel Group® property (RNAVT 2585).

This database information is for InGolf® Tour Operator´s exclusive access, which is protected. All personal information shared with InGolf® Tour Operator is exclusively used to provide Hotel accommodation, golf, travel and tourism related services.

Users may access, update or delete all shared personal data, at any given moment, by contacting InGolf® Tour Operator by telephone (+351 244 825 004) or e-mail (

Over commercial quote requests, users will be asked for express consent to introduce e-mail addresses to InGolf® Tour Operator´s database, in order to receive our periodical newsletters.

InGolf® Tour Operator pledges to protect customer personal data & privacy, by all means.

Therefore, InGolf® Tour Operator is currently developing a Login customer area, where users will be able to unsubscribe, access and update all the personal information previously shared with InGolf® Tour Operator. Users can also alternatively do it, by directly contacting InGolf® Tour Operator.

By navigating through InGolf® Tour Operator?s website, our Privacy Policy acceptance is implied, and therefore your given consent for the collection and use of the information.


InGolf® Tour Operator uses website and third-party cookies, in order to improve user´s online experience, by collecting and analyzing data from our website navigation.

Cookies function and definition

What is a cookie? A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer, mobile phone or any other mobile device, (designated ahead as mobile equipment) when you access our website.

Cookies enable us to collect and recover information about website navigation behaviors, namely, identify a previous user registration (so that we can identify registered users and visitors), identify how many pages were visited, browser chosen language, location from where you are logged in, website navigation session time, browser software and mobile device software from where you connect.

Managing Cookies

All internet browsers allow users to accept, refuse or delete cookies, by selecting the correspondent navigation advanced options or preferences.

Be aware, however, that by de-activating cookies, you could be affecting web service partial or total performance. You can set up your web browser, in order to delete previously recorded cookies, over your hard disk.

For further information on how to delete or block cookies from your web browser, please contact your browser´s software manufacturer.

Third-Party Cookies

If you wish to get additional information about Cookies, you should contact InGolf® Tour Operator to

Cookies Policy Update

Cookies Policy can and will be continually updated, should European Privacy Compliance Regulations be altered. We invite you to visit this web page on a regular basis.

Third-party Website Hyperlinks

Our online services offer hyperlinks to third-party websites.

The above Privacy Policy compliance information only applies to our website. We strongly encourage users to verify all third-party own website Privacy Policies.

InGolf® Tour Operator is in no way responsible for any third-party Privacy Policies, when specific hyperlink content is identified.

If you access a link available on InGolf® Tour Operator´s website, microsites and social platforms to another website and provide personal data on that site, the data processing will be subject to the privacy statement of that website, which will be the only party to be held responsible for any illegal, incomplete or incorrect displayed content or information.